Social Media &

for the Agricultural Sector

Digital Marketing

At Farm Table, we understand the importance of a strong social media presence as part of an successful digital marketing campaign.

That’s why we offer targeted social media marketing strategies designed specifically for the agriculture industry. Our team of experts will work with you to elevate your brand awareness, drive website traffic, and boost your sales through the power of social media.

As your marketing side-kick, Farm Table utilises our team of experts to ensure your message is seen by the right people, expands your profile, amplifies your organisations message and promotes your business & its services into the agriculture sector nation-wide.

Elevate Your Agribusiness


We create, write & design custom social media content targetted to you raudience..

Content Creation
Audience Engagement

By consistently engaging with your audience, we build a strong online reputation that translates to greater customer recognition.

We Grow Your Following

More followers means more leads which means more sales.

Depending on your industry & offerings we tailor which platforms we use so we are not wasting time and money just for vanities sake.

Multi-Channel Campaigns
Graphic Design

Our in-house graphic designer will custom develop a suite of images and animations for every campaign.

Our Social Media Marketing campaigns are designed for Agribusinesses & Ag-focused organisations across Australia.

Utilise our team of experts to ensure your message is seen by the right people, expand your profile, amplify your organisations message and promote your business & its services into the agriculture sector nation-wide.

Amplify your message

Professional Product and Service Promotion

Our social media channels offer a professional space to promote your products and services. Showcase your organisations latest promotions, news,courses, events & updates.

Our friendly team is always available to respond to questions on your social media channels.We participate in online discussions with your organisation’s followers, improving engagement and customer support.

Interactive Audience Engagement

We closely monitor consumer behaviour on social media, providing actionable insights to improve our services. Our strategic media channels enable us to stay ahead of the latest agricultural trends and make informed business decisions.

Market Research

Increase your online presence and open doors to exciting agricultural industry focused opportunities from across Australia.

What we Offer


Engagement through social media provides a richer experience for our customers and builds stronger relationships. By responding to inquiries and engaging in meaningful conversations, we establish ourselves as approachable and reliable. This results in repeat customers and positive word-of-mouth referrals.


Customer Loyalty



Brand Recognition

Our active social media presence helps set your organisation apart from your competitors, improving your brand recognition.. By consistently engaging with your audience, we build a strong online reputation thattranslates to greater consumer trust and recognition.

Better Search

Engine Rankings

The importance of search engine optimisation cannot be overstated. By actively using social media and linking back to your website, we improve our search engine rankings, ensuring that our business appears at the top of consumers› searches, and increases the chances of new customer acquisition.


Leverage the power of a targeted social media strategy to elevate brand awareness, drive website traffic, and boost your sales.

Social Media Marketing for the Agricultural sector

Utilise our extensive network and elevate your business profile. Increase your online presence and open doors to exciting industry focused opportunities from across Australia.


Why is Social Media so important?

Build Your Brand

Social media provides a unique opportunity to showcase your brand's personality, values, and products or services. By consistently sharing engaging content and interacting with your organisations followers, we will establish a strong brand presence and attract potential customers from across the country.

Boost Sales

With the right strategy, you can use social media to promote your products, services & events, run targeted ads, and even offer exclusive deals or discounts to your followers.

More followers mean more leads which ultimately means more sales.

Manage Your Reputation

Social media allows you to monitor and manage your brand's reputation by responding to customer feedback, addressing any negative comments or reviews, and showcasing positive customer experiences. By actively managing your reputation on social media, we build trust and credibility with your target audience.

Customer Service

Social media has become a popular way for customers to reach out to businesses for support or inquiries. By providing timely and personalised customer service via various social media platforms your customer satisfaction and loyalty will improve.

Audience Research

Gain valuable insights into your target audience's preferences, behaviours, and interests. By monitoring engagement and analysing data, you can gain a better understanding of your audience and use this information to improve your products and services.

Farm Table is a proudly independent Australian agricultural knowledge platform, bringing together the best of Australian agriculture by sourcing, collating, and cataloguing the best information, tools, and opportunities from every sector of the industry.

More than that, Farm Table is a dynamic community that connects producers, businesses, and industry organisations together. It's a collaborative space where members come together, fostering a stronger, more resilient, and more productive agricultural sector.

See Farm Table in action

Contact Us


Our rural & regional Australian based team will get back to you shortly.


Transforming Australian Agriculture, one connection at a time.

Farm Table HQ

contact us

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(03) 5407- 0230


6 Lewis Drive,

3450 Castlemaine, VIC

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